It was one of my trips to Tower Records, just a normal trip not anticipating in any new album release. Had a little browse, digging and putting on the puffy headphones to sample some CDs. The whole space can be quite intimidating, but it’s my paradise even if I’m not buying. But just to learn from the back covers of the CDs.
Then I got close to the Asian section and I saw this about A1 in-house made poster. Sheila Majid meet up for RATU! Oh my gosh. My heart was racing and I looked through and through at the poster. It’s like, in a week’s time! So excited, but I have to keep it all in and contain ‘cause the place other than music playing, it’s actually very quiet!
Sheila Majid is coming!!!!!!!! I don’t know but I can’t quite contain myself and told my gf about it and guess, she said…. “Are you sure or not?” But anywho, the day came and I made plans to leave the office earlier than usual.
When we got there, there was already a crowd. So I told my gf, “Hurry! We must get a good spot!” And little did I know, it was a Malay radio station that was doing this whole thing. So there was a little chit chat with the crowd to get everyone excited. So ya la, you can hear some shouts & cheering…….
And then, your Highness Sheila Majid came out! So there was this breaking the ice activity with the crowd, making small conversations about the newly released – Ratu.

And then there was an announcement that some people are going to get lucky ‘cause Sheila would sign a copy of the Ratu CD!
Ok la… I pon excited! Than there’s this guy who walked passed us whom I didn’t know at that time. But soon later, I found out that he’s Shirhan, a big time fan whom I got connected with years and years later. Hahahahaha (6 degrees of separation!)

My gf insisted that she should work the camera and the presenter asked, “Can someone tell me, what was the last Sheila Majid concert?” I shouted with all the voice I had at that time, “Me, me, me!”
Hahahahaha…. and I said, “Legenda the concert!” And yes! I got it and won the CD! I went up to Sheila Majid and saw how amazing she was and I was so starstruck, I could only say “thank you.” She was so pleasant! And I almost died!

Oh yes, my gf got a shot of that, but from my back! I thought hiya……. but having that moment with my Highness was everything to me. Her smile to me!